Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Friday, September 10th, I took Alexis and Isaac to the Ringling Barnum and Bailey Circus and the Arco Arena.  We try to go every fall and we love it every time.  Dad took us to the circus the first time when we moved to Roseville 5 years ago.  My kids insist we go now every year.  Look what Grandpa started!!  I don't mind because I enjoy it as much as the kids.  I look forward to it as much as the kids.  Deanna couldn't go with us this year due to her water polo tournament.  (She was very angry she had to miss it!)  We took our neighbor instead.  Chloe is Alexis's friend from church and had never been and seen a clown in person.  It was so exciting!!  Every bit of it was awesome!  Alexis loved the baby elephant and the trampoline guys.  Isaac loved the motorcycle ball cage that fit 7 motorcycles all at one time going in circles.  I think he was hoping to see them crash!!  Anything that is noisy is his favorite!!!  Alexis was so cute with Chloe, explaining everything and enjoying the newness with her. 

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